TLC Hope Center
A home for TLC outreach ministries.
TLC Brings Hope
We proclaim the gospel.
We feed the hungry.
We comfort the grieving.
We help break the chains of addiction.

Our portable buildings, where many of these ministries happen, are decaying. Roofs leak. Floors sag. One had to be removed already. The clock is ticking on the rest.

Introducing TLC Hope Center
That’s why we hope to build a new facility to give these ministries a permanent home:

Covered patio area for outdoor gatherings

Covered drive-through
Covered area for food distribution and loading dock

Food Cooler
Large walk-in food cooler for increased food storage

Meeting Spaces
Large and small spaces for meetings
Learn More
Download brochure to learn more details about the project and learn how you can help!

Your Part
The Hope Center will be used by People’s Pantry for food distribution and storage, our faith-based recovery and mental health programs, and our men’s and women’s Bible Study groups. It will also be offered as a resource to the Santa Cruz community for meetings.
We are blessed with health. Our 2023 tithe budget was met. We have no outside debt. The congregation also gave over one million dollars to earthquake, fire, refugee, and flood relief last year. Trends are good: Weekend attendance is up 23% year-to-year. Over 100 were baptized last year. TLC en Español is thriving. With no debt, accelerating growth, and healthy giving, this seems to be a good time for this project.
We have seen growth in each ministry using our portable buildings. Yet the portables are decaying. Monschke Hall is already over-booked with growing midweek adult classes, TLC en Español, and more. The portables need to be replaced with a permanent structure so these ministries can flourish. Our neighbors are hurting. They need our support. They need hope.
We hope to begin construction Fall 2024 and open the building approximately 15 months later.
Although the construction costs are large, we have found historically that if we each contribute sacrificially –– above and beyond our regular tithes –– over a four-year pledge period, it can get done. You can give all at once or through our 4-year pledge drive. We can also arrange for automatic deductions, credit card, stocks, or other ways to give. Click here to go to our pledge page.
We are relying on God to guide us through the pledge process. If it becomes clear that we need to, we will consider how we might reduce the scope of the project.
Although not part of this project, we hope to add both rooftop and covered parking spots with solar panels––lowering our carbon footprint and reducing our energy costs in the future.
We can't! Only God can. But as we have a "whatever it takes" attitude for His kingdom, He can work through all of us to do miracles! He already has: The Lord provided the funds for our entire campus and many buildings on the mission field through pledge drives like this one.